Louisiana Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters

Students / Applicants

How to become certified as a Court Reporter in and for the State of Louisiana

The following is a summary of how to become certified in Louisiana. Though these guidelines are within Louisiana Codes, Statutes and Rules, they should not be misconstrued as a substitute for the full body of Codes, Statutes and Rules of the State of Louisiana.

» Must I attend a court reporting school?

Though this is the most common route to obtain proper education, and the Board encourages one to do so, it is not required.

» What schools in Louisiana offer court reporting curricula?

See the CCR and CDR Schools List

» What are the base requirements for all applicants?

  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Provide proof of holding a High School Diploma, Equivalency or better.
  • Have not been convicted of a felony.

» What Louisiana Code delineates certification and Examination rules?

Title 46, Chapters 1, 3 and 5.  Fees are delineated in Chapter 9.

» Does the Board offer any study guides?

A question bank is available upon written request at a cost of $20.00

» What types of court reporter certifications are available in Louisiana?

Certified Court Reporter

  • To obtain a Certified Court Reporter (CCR) license, one must satisfactorily complete one of the following:
    • Pass the Louisiana CCR Examination utilizing one of three approved methods, stenotype, stenomask or pen shorthand, or
    • The board will accept as an examination from any reporter domiciled in Louisiana an NCRA-RPR, CM examination or an NVRA examination with the equivalent or current standards of the CCR examination requirement in Louisiana. Upon proper application, and upon satisfactory proof that applicant has passed such an examination, a certificate shall be issued.
  • A CCR may function as a freelance reporter, an official reporter appointed by a judge, or both.

Certified Digital Reporter

  • To obtain a Certified Digital Reporter (CDR) license, one must satisfactorily complete one of the following and be appointed by a judge presiding in a Louisiana court:
    • The Louisiana CDR Examination given at an assigned court by the Board Administrator, with the same digital equipment installed at the applicants court.
    • The board will accept as an examination the Electronic Reporter and Transcriber certificate from the American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers (AAERT).
  • A certificate holder under this Chapter is prohibited from engaging in freelance or general reporting.


I. CCR Certification by Examination.

The Louisiana CCR Examination is given twice per year, usually in April and August. Dates are subject to change as necessary.

Qualification Requirements:

Before being admitted to take the CCR Examination, an applicant must satisfy the following:

  • Applicant must do one of the following:
    • Furnish a completed Board affidavit from a Louisiana licensed court reporting school that the applicant has passed a qualifying test consisting of five minutes of two-voice Q & A at 225 wpm with 95 percent accuracy within one year prior to application to the board for examination; or
    • Participate in an equivalent qualifying examination administered by the Board on a date and at a location designated by the Board. The initial qualifying examination is good for one year from the date of passing; or
    • Submit a CCR certificate/license from another state issued with a minimum requirement of 225 wpm; (Note: 3:301.C.)
  • Applicant must submit a copy of his/her high school diploma or equivalency with the qualifying examination application.  If applicant desires to submit an educational institution transcript, please contact the Board office.
  • An application fee of $50 must be paid to the Board by the applicant participating in a qualifying examination administered by the Board.

Click here for the Qualifying Application

Examination: An applicant who has passed the qualifying examination, is eligible to sit for the main CCR examination. The main exam is made up of:

  • Written Knowledge -100 multiple choice questions.
  • Dictated Speed Test – Five minutes of two-voice Q & A at 225 wpm, five minutes of jury charge at 200 wpm, and five minutes of literary at 180 wpm.

Note:  Only stenomask applicants will be allowed to use electronic recording equipment during the CCR examination.
Stenomask Applicants: You are allowed to record only one track/file of your dictation into one device, computer, digital recorder or tape recorder.  You may not record the ambient room in any way.

CCR Exam Application Fall 2024

CCR Exam Testing Rules September 2024

Click here Rules for CCR Certification Testing

II. CCR Certification by Application for Reciprocity

The Board will accept from any reporter domiciled in Louisiana an NCRA-RPR, NCRA-CM or an NVRA-CVR certificate with the equivalent or current standards of the CCR examination requirement in Louisiana. Upon proper application, and upon satisfactory proof that applicant has passed such an examination, a certificate shall be issued.

Click here for CCR Reciprocal Application

III. CDR Certification by Examination

  • The CDR Examination will be scheduled for an applicant who is eligible as an official or deputy official reporter upon request of the court desiring to appoint the applicant.
  • The examination will be administered by a designee of the Board education committee at the court requesting the examination.
  • The examination will not be administered for an individual CDR applicant more frequently than the number of CCR examinations scheduled each year by the board.
  • A weekday will be scheduled on which the court will not be in session and which is convenient for the Board member assigned to conduct the examination.

Qualification Requirements:

  • Due to the constraints of testing on the equipment that will be utilized in any given court, no qualification exam is required.
  • Applicant must submit a copy of his/her high school diploma or equivalency with the qualifying examination application. If applicant desires to submit an educational institution transcript, please contact the Board office.

Examination: The CDR examination consists of:

  • Written Knowledge -100 multiple choice questions.
  • Dictated Speed Test – Five minutes of two-voice Q & A at 225 wpm, five minutes of jury charge at 200 wpm, and five minutes of literary at 180 wpm.

Download and Print CDR Exam Application Form Here

Click here for CDR Certification Exam Rules

CDR Exam Testing Rules August 2024

IV. CDR Certification by Application for Reciprocity

The board will accept as an examination the Electronic Reporter and Transcriber certificate from the American Association of Electronic and Transcribers (AAERT).  Upon proper application, and upon satisfactory proof that applicant has passed such an examination, a certificate shall be issued.